Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Preface Starts Off By William Lloyd Garrison - 1695 Words

The preface starts off by William Lloyd Garrison describing his encounter with Frederick Douglass at an anti-slavery convention in Nantucket. Garrison tells us that Frederick Douglass made an escape from the southern prison house of bondage and that his speech at the convention was a memorable one. Frederick Douglass’s had eloquence and a skill of persuading. Connecting people’s minds and hearts to his words of description about the reality of slavery. The audience responded with great attention and created a common perspective about the actuality of slavery that Frederick Douglass describes. As soon as Frederick Douglass finished his speech, Garrison arose and declared that the hunted fugitive’s speech was better than Patrick†¦show more content†¦Rather than the descriptions revealed by the masters who might have hide the significant facts about his slaves life and the mistreatments they receive. Phillips was also glad to learn a lot of the true facts f rom Douglass’s narrative and learns the wretchedness of death that gathers over the souls of the slaves before they could even learn their A B C’s. Phillips also mentions that Frederick Douglass originates from a state (Maryland) where the conditions for a slave were less harsh than the other states in the Deep South. Where one can only imagine the horrors that surrounded the slaves in those states. Wendell Phillips also praises his book and is also confident that whoever reads his book will be persuaded towards the cause of anti-slavery and that since Frederick Douglass is a marvelous and persuasive speaker, his book will also consist of the same elements. Finally, he mentions to his friend about how he wrote his own name and his masters names clearly in his narrative, making it dangerous upon himself. Phillips also relates this choice towards the founding fathers when they wrote their names on the Declaration of Independence. Here we can admire Frederick Douglassâ₠¬â„¢s bravery and that he is not scared to spread the truth about the reality of slavery that many do not know. Frederick Douglass was born in Talbot county, Maryland. Douglass explains that he does not know his age, as many other slaves also do not know theirShow MoreRelatedThe Preface By William Lloyd Garrison3512 Words   |  15 PagesThe preface by William Lloyd Garrison describes the encounter between Frederick Douglass and Garrison, at an anti-slavery convention. It tells about how this encounter led to a long partnership between the two as well as Douglass’ involvement in the Anti-Slavery Society. At the convention the people noticed his appearance as well as his intellectual side. The crowd seemed to respond well to the idea of protecting Douglass against his owners. In the convent Garrison says Douglass’ testimony made theRead MoreSports17369 Words   |  70 Pagesof reference: The writer’s point of view, or bias. Do you think she or he is qualified to write about this subject? Is the book based on personal experience? 4. Thesis: What is the main point here? Why do you think this book was written? Read the preface and the book jacket, if applicable. Give a brief description of the book in terms of its thesis, and give your opinion on how well it is supported. 7 8 EXERCISES IN SPORTSCASTING 5. Evidence: What kinds of arguments does the author useRead MoreSports17363 Words   |  70 Pagesof reference: The writer’s point of view, or bias. Do you think she or he is qualified to write about this subject? Is the book based on personal experience? 4. Thesis: What is the main point here? Why do you think this book was written? Read the preface and the book jacket, if applicable. Give a brief description of the book in terms of its thesis, and give your opinion on how well it is supported. 7 8 EXERCISES IN SPORTSCASTING 5. Evidence: What kinds of arguments does the author use, and howRead MoreLangston Hughes Research Paper25309 Words   |  102 Pagesdivide its citizens. Langston had no playmates because Mary Langston lived in a run-down, white neighborhood. He was afraid to leave his yard, where he was safe from rowdy white boys who chased and teased him about the second hand clothes and cast-off womens shoes that he wore. Langston spent many hours sitting on a stool beside his grandmother, who read him stories from the Bible or from his favorite book, Grimms Fairy Tales. Her long wavy hair had very little gray in it, and in her ears she

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